
LIFE CAT4 HEAVY project will contribute to the implementation of several European policy Directives:

  • it will support the EU policy on reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutant emissions (COP21, COM (2011)112, COM(2011)144 final, COM(2011) 571) by reducing EU emissions of the heavy duty vehicle (HDV) sector;
  • it will reduce the use of Platinum group materials (PGMs) in catalyst-based emission control systems and recycle PGMs from the CAT4HEAVY
    retrofitted HDVs, thus contributing on PGM reduction (see here) and resource efficiency-related EU policies (Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe/* COM/2011/0571 final */; “Towards a circular economy: A zero waste programme for Europe”, COM/2014/0398 final/2);
  • it will eliminate the use of the corrosive and dangerous ammonia (NH3) in catalyst-based emission control systems. This will improve the
    health of workers and avoid the environmental impact, in terms of air emissions and adverse impact on the local environment;
  • it will improve the health of citizens thanks to the reduced GHG and air pollutant emissions in cities;
  • it will extend the lifetime of HDVs fulfilling EURO standards lower than Euro V by retrofitting them with the LIFE CAT4HEAVY solution and hence giving them a new life while fulfilling emission standards better than Euro VI and reducing waste due to end of life HDVs;
  • it will establish and activate a network of policy decision makers and stakeholders to exchange knowhow and experiences on emission control solutions and push forward the European emission regulation policy and legislation for heavy duty vehicles.

The LIFE CAT4HEAVY project (Grant Agreement no. LIFE17 ENV/GR/000352) has received funding from the LIFE programme of the European Union